"One thing is certain, a Christian's standing before God
does not depend upon his standing before men.
A high reputation does not make a man dearer to God,
nor does the tongue of the slanderer influence
God's attitude toward His people in any way.
He knows us each one, and we stand or fall
in the light of His perfect knowledge."
~ AW Tozer
does not depend upon his standing before men.
A high reputation does not make a man dearer to God,
nor does the tongue of the slanderer influence
God's attitude toward His people in any way.
He knows us each one, and we stand or fall
in the light of His perfect knowledge."
~ AW Tozer
I feel like I could write a lot here about this quote. But I won't. Having lived through some very interesting experiences personally with people and their 'talk'. Took a long time for me to remember that the noise around me was just noise, and that the Lord is the only one who has an opinion about me I should care about. I live for Him, for His approval, and to do His will. He knows me and He loves me. How awesome is that?
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