Thursday, August 18, 2011

Those Who Sow in Tears...

WOW, this Tozer Devo totally got to me tonight. Take time to really read it over and process all that he is saying here. Use it to help examine your own heart tonight...

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Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes
forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again
with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
--Psalm 126:5-6

"The testimony of the true follower of Christ might well be something
like this: The world's pleasures and the world's treasures
henceforth have no appeal for me. I reckon myself crucified to the
world and the world crucified to me. But the multitudes that were so
dear to Christ shall not be less dear to me. If I cannot prevent
their moral suicide, I shall at least baptize them with my human
tears. I want no blessing that I cannot share. I seek no
spirituality that I must win at the cost of forgetting that men and
women are lost and without hope. If in spite of all I can do they
will sin against light and bring upon themselves the displeasure of
a holy God, then I must not let them go their sad way unwept. I
scorn a happiness that I must purchase with ignorance. I reject a
heaven that I must enter by shutting my eyes to the sufferings of my
fellow men. I choose a broken heart rather than any happiness that
ignores the tragedy of human life and human death. Though I, through
the grace of God in Christ, no longer lie under Adam's sin, I would
still feel a bond of compassion for all of Adam's tragic race, and
I am determined that I shall go down to the grave or up into God's
heaven mourning for the lost and the perishing."
AW Tozer

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