Well we are already a week into August....Time to be praying for a new country and our brothers and sisters in Christ as well as for those who don't know Christ. This month, join me in praying for Nepal. For more information on how you can help send missionaries out into Nepal, check out Gospel for Asia's Website.
Nepal is a nation that needs your prayers. From over a decade of bloody civil conflict that claimed thousands of lives to ongoing political instability in its government, this picturesque Himalayan country has suffered greatly and bears deep wounds.
But there is hope for Nepal—and through the prayers of His people, God has been working both in the political front and through His Church.
Read on to step inside some of the challenges for prayer in Nepal.
More than a Decade of Civil War
The civil war that raged between government and Maoist forces lasted more than ten years, claiming 14,000 precious lives and inflicting trauma on countless others. A peace agreement was signed in 2006, which was an incredible answer to prayer. But then political instability and sporadic violence continued, raising fears of a return to all-out fighting.
Please pray for lasting peace for Nepal—and for its people who have suffered so much to find true healing and redemption in Christ.
The Government
For more than 200 years, Nepal was officially a Hindu nation, posing many difficulties for missionaries sharing about Christ's love. But in an amazing turn of events, changes in the government in 2006 and 2008 paved the way for the birth of a democracy. Nepal was on its way to becoming a secular nation with more religious freedom.
The Constitution
Nepal is still in transition, as its recently elected Constituent Assembly has yet to draft the country's new constitution. This would officially establish democracy as well as complete a four-year peace process between the government and the Maoists.
The Assembly missed its May 28 deadline to draft the new constitution. In the weeks leading up to the date, the nation suffered from strikes imposed by the Maoist political party. A one-year extension has been granted to the Assembly.
Please lift up the writing of this new constitution; pray that it can be completed in a timely manner and for it to provide for a favorable environment in which the Gospel can flourish.
Drought and Food Crisis
Every year, parts of Nepal are affected by severe droughts and food crises. The droughts dry up crops, creating the food shortage. The people in these areas have also been especially vulnerable to the cholera epidemic. According to reports, 425 people died from cholera during just a two-month period.
One factor contributing to the drought is that farmers in the mountainous areas lack a good irrigation system and must depend on rainwater. And when monsoon rains are delayed, the crops suffer. It is a vicious cycle that puts many at peril.
Please pray for Gospel for Asia-supported pastors and missionaries ministering to suffering people in the areas affected by the drought.
National Missionaries and Their Churches
In this nation that has suffered so greatly from political turmoil, Gospel for Asia-supported missionaries and the churches they shepherd serve as bright lights and beacons of hope to their communities. The very real risk of persecution, steep mountain trails to be hiked and frigid temperatures are a few of the challenges faced by these missionaries—yet they gladly endure these things for the sake of Christ. And their efforts are bringing forth fruit! Reports have even come in of new believers eagerly trekking for hours to attend church and worship the Savior.
Pray that the missionaries in Nepal will be filled with joy, Christ's love and physical stamina as they diligently take His Good News to their people. Pray they will encounter receptive hearts, and pray for new believers to be strengthened daily in their faith.
A Thriving Radio Ministry
By God's grace, GFA Radio has been able to broadcast the Good News on various stations throughout the country, including on Radio Nepal. And there has been tremendous response, showing people's hunger to know more about Jesus. In some areas, rallies for radio listeners provide opportunities for people to hear more about Jesus and meet GFA-supported pastors.
Given the rugged and remote terrain found in much of Nepal, radio has proven to be a valuable tool to take the Gospel to difficult-to-reach places. Many people live in mountain villages with stunningly beautiful views, yet may never have heard about the God who created that beauty. Radio can be a powerful means to reach these precious people.
Please pray for continued open doors for GFA's radio ministry in Nepal. Pray that many people will tune in to the broadcasts and that many hearts will be drawn to the Savior.