"Thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ." - 2 Corinthians 2:14
"Certainly not all of the mystery of the Godhead can be known by man—but
just as certainly, all that men can know of God in this life is
revealed in Jesus Christ!
When the Apostle Paul said with
yearning, “That I may know him” (Philippians 3:10), he was not speaking
of intellectual knowledge. Paul was
speaking of the reality of an experience of knowing God personally and
consciously, spirit touching spirit and heart touching heart.
We know that people spend a lot of time talking about a deeper Christian
life—but few seem to want to know and love God for Himself.
The precious fact is that God is the deeper life! Jesus Christ Himself
is the deeper life, and as I plunge on into the knowledge of the triune
God, my heart moves on into the blessedness of His fellowship. This
means that there is less of me and more of God—thus my spiritual life
deepens and I am strengthened in the knowledge of His will!"
-AW Tozer